October 22, 2024

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Movies you should see – Part 1

2 min read

As the cinema industry seems to be on a bit of a slow time at the minute, we find ourselves with a gap in viewings there are new movies on the horizon but nothing jumps ups any time soon. So what to do, well there are literally thousands of movies out there that deserve your time. Classics that everyone should see at least once.

Yes this is subjective but let’s see if you agree.

Where to start is the question really, from the first days of the moving image there are allot to choose from.

Let’s start here..

Wargames 1985

Matthew Broderick stars in this 80s geek classic as David a loner computer user in the early days of computing. David wants to find the code base for a new computer game so lends his talents to finding the companies system but instead falls upon a tip secret government system that controls the nations nuclear arsenal. This also marks one of the first appearances of Ally Sheedy, another staple of the 80s brat pack movies.

The pair spend their time trying to prove to the military that the whole thing is a game spending their time outwitting a simingly idiotic secret service to find the original designer of the system As one of the first “tech” movies this one is beloved of many a geek that grew up in the 80s and holds a dear place ok most people’s hearts (as the saying goes).

Now don’t get me wrong this is no Oscar winner, it is just a really good story that uses some od the tech from from era, and is one of the first to being up the problems we have faced since it’s invention of computer learning a early version of AI. The story here is one of the real cold water era when everyone was afraid of that final war and how it might happen. Just hold your disbelief ad to the idiotic of the military on his escape from a supposed tip secret installation.

The movie is slow in parts but does deliver at the end with, a now more apt than ever, message that computers are tools and should not be left to their own devices unchecked, this has to be start of the tech era of movies.


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