In “Sonic the Hedgehog 3,” director Jeff Fowler delivers a vibrant yet uneven addition to the franchise, balancing frenetic action…
My Fault London (2025)
“My Fault: London,” released on Amazon Prime Video on February 13, 2025, is an English-language remake of the 2023 Spanish…
The Gorge (2025)
Directed by Scott DerricksonStarring Miles Teller, Anya Taylor-Joy, Sigourney WeaverStreaming on Apple TV+ In the vast landscape of streaming content,…
Rewriting the past should studios alter movies for the current audience
Hollywood is in the business of storytelling, but recently, it has also become the curator of its own history. More…
Section 31 (2025)
Now Section 31 dropped onto the platform with little of the fanfare of the normal Trek releases, and after the…
Disney, please stop making live action
The Walt Disney Company, a household name synonymous with timeless storytelling, has been mining its vault of animated classics to…
WWE Comes to netflix
In a groundbreaking move that has sent ripples through the entertainment industry, Netflix has inked a monumental $5 billion deal…
Back In Action (2025)
Back in Action: Cameron Diaz Shines in Triumphant Return to the Silver Screen After a decade-long hiatus, Cameron Diaz has…
Blade Runner 2049
As we go into 2025 there is time to reflect and as we wait for this years movies to start…
The Pitt (2025 TV)
“The Pitt” – A Harrowing Dive into the Chaos of Modern In the age of formulaic reboots and safe storytelling,…