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Top Gun Maverick (2022)

2 min read

We have waited 35 years for this so was all that time and their money worth it. Well if you read other reviews then you would think so 100% on many sites. But what do we think.

Well for once we have to agree it was worth the wait this as a sequel is one of the best ever. The aerial combat scenes were spectacular the acting is good and the casting kept in the original spirit with a very sick Val Kilmer reprising Iceman bow admiral. Following the wonders of covid the release of this movie has been pushed back multiple times with the fans waiting and waiting for the movie theatres to open up once more, and the wait was worth it.

So what is it all about. Well Maveric has been in the navy for 35 years been bouncing around roles and has passed up promotion or just been plane busted for his antics. When we start the movie he is part of a test crew fir a top secret mach 10 aircraft where he has just a few hours to do a months work.

Disobeying orders he makes the flight but looses the job. Rather than being thrown out he is ordered back to mirimar..Top Gun. Where it turns out his friend the iceman wants him for a special special job. And thats when the fun begins. He is tasked with training a crew of top gun graduated in how to complete the I possible. Throw in the mix the rogue element this time int he form of a pilot call sign “the rooster” who it would seem is the son of the late great backseater the Gooseman. Whom maverick has a less than stellar history with but who he simply cant tell the truth too which is a theme of the film.

Without wanting to spoil the majority of the movie we will leave it that not all goes to plan.

The movie is excellent with just the right mix of old storyline and great real flying for a change.

This was one time when the wait if a little long was well worth it. Oh and let me mention without spoiling it that Jebbifer Connolly is a great choice for her role.

A whopping 4.8 out of 5 from us. It only drops a couple of points for an obvious piano moment in the bar.


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