Wandavision is a spinoff of the marvel universe, it shows the fictional lives of the characters Wanda Maximov and the...
Netflix this week started the process of advertising their plans for 2021, that being that they have in their archives...
What do you do after the huges success of the big bang theory and 10 years on air, well for...
The Uk is now in its thirds (or is it thosandth) national lockdown, so what can we do, there is...
As we came to the end of the rather weird year 2020, the movie world was put into disarray, nothing...
Well as we enter another week of lockdown its time to snuggle up with another romance movie, this one is...
Another movie i ever got around to the first time was I Am Number Four, set to be the first...
As we have now been in lockdown in its various guises for many months, and it seems like years, new...
After we collided is the second movie/book in the Anna Todd After series, written to follow on from “after”. In...
After (2019) Yes im a year late to this one but, well found it on one of the streaming...